Just a quick reminder that 40 Days for Life begins today. I don't eat regularly enough to fast, so I am going on a shopping ban for the next 40 days, in honor of 40 days for life.
I'll be adding an image to the sidebar to remind everyone to pray for an end to abortion, for all the women, and families affected by abortion, and for those who witness to the truth of the sanctity of life!
Come Holy Spirit, Creator of all things...You who breathed over the waters at the dawn of creation and brought forth all living beings...You who filled the apostles when the Risen Lord breathed on them on the first Easter night, giving them the power to restore life to those dead in sin...You who, on the last day, will breathe again over all the dead and raise them from the grave--Come! Come and breathe on our world again, immersed as it is in the Culture of Death! Come, O Lord and Giver of Life! Defeat the works of death in our midst, that abortion may no longer stain our land.
We worship You, O Holy Spirit, and we rejoice in You. We know that no matter how strong the forces of death may be, we can still find in You the endless source of life. Renew that life in each of us, and make us worthy apostles of the Culture of Life in our day! Amen
(From Priests for Life)
I know this is not the point, but you should take care to eat regularly :) Maybe that is something you can do that is pro-your own life!
I'll be praying with you...
I am fasting from my favorite coffee shop...the one where I met Peter!! Ugh...it's already difficult! ;-)
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