Three 20-something women trying to figure out what it means to be lay, Catholic, and modern all at once.

January 28, 2010

Getting Lost

I've written about movies and my love for tv shows like The Office. But I haven't yet written about my love for Lost. I am completely in awe of the thought that has gone into the writing of the series, the exploration of the mystery of the human being, the ultimate set up of faith vs. reason...and the complementarity between them, and the triumph of the human spirit. There were also about three seasons that really delved into two Catholic characters, and their spirituality was portrayed very positively; moreover, they both demonstrated incredible self-sacrifice.

I am counting the hours until the final season begins. Until then, for those fellow fans out there and those who will catch up when it's all said and done, here's an article about Lost and its religious (and arguably very Catholic) under-and-overtones.

Photo, The Lost Supper, found here.

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