Three 20-something women trying to figure out what it means to be lay, Catholic, and modern all at once.

November 18, 2009

Edith's Take on The Bucket List

I feel I must respond to the Bucket List...although mine is quickly approaching "Bucket List for Married Life." I'm not sure that I ever had a set of goals to do before I got married...I definitely agree with Agatha that our time as being single is time to work on us, to work through all the things that might inhibit a total gift of self to another. And I reached a point in my single life (the period I affectionately called 'My Quarter Life Crisis') about two years ago. I had already met Peter, and knew at that time that I wanted to marry a man who was just like him. You see, he too had some things to work through, and would not date me right away, which drove me crazy, because I knew that I wanted someone just like him.

But be that as it may, I decided to take time off from dating simply to begin to see men as images of Christ, and I mean to really see the qualities that make men Christ-like. After all, Christ is a man...and I just figured it was time to see Christ in my fellow men. I think Agatha hit the nail on the head in her post on men and women being friends. Her wise words should echo in the minds of every single woman (and man I guess too, just change the masculine pronouns to feminine ones!): "Take him as he is, love him as he is, and don't be afraid of who you are, and live chastely. Then the friendship will grow into whatever God wants it to be." Easier said than done, sure. But the key to this is to live chastely. What a gift!! To live chastely is to see with eyes of God - and the reward is to see God Himself: "Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God." (Mt. 5: 8).

So, I guess my bucket list would be very similar to my sisters. I definitely want to become fluent in one of the many languages I've begun to study. My goal is to be fluent in French and Arabic. I have so ALWAYS wanted to learn to play the piano, and I too want to become more active in the Church. I feel called to be a lector, and for no particular reason, I've not yet made a move on that. I want to become more courageous, more energetic, more hopeful, and more loving. Most immediately my bucket list includes: 1. Get married 2. Run and finish the 1/2 marathon I am training for 3. Finish my PhD. So far, all of those include Peter too! So, let's see where God takes me and Peter from there!


Anonymous said...

I love that your immediate bucket list includes "Get Married."

Edith Magdalene said...

Trust me, there are some days when even that seems to be quite difficult :-)

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