Three 20-something women trying to figure out what it means to be lay, Catholic, and modern all at once.

August 4, 2009

The Sacrament of the Present Moment

I happen to think that one of my favorite spiritual reading books, The Sacrament of the Present Moment (Self-abandonment to Divine Providence) is tailor-made for those of us who are single, even if Jean-Pierre de Caussade was writing to Sisters of the Visitation on their prayer life! If you have never read it, I recommend picking it up. I think I've read it 5 times and skim passages before I go to bed on a regular basis. Since the single life is pretty much a vocation of the present moment, I'll pass along a taste of it. It's been of particular comfort for me this summer as I ponder Gods timing in my life: 

Nothing is more reasonable, perfect or divine than the will of God.  No difference in time, place or circumstance could add to its infinite worth, and if you have been granted the secret of how to discover it in every moment, you have found what is most precious and desirable.  God is telling you, dear sisters, that if you abandon all restraint, carry your wishes to their furthest limits, open your heart boundlessly, there is not a single moment when you will not be shown everything you can possibly wish for.

The present moment holds infinite riches beyond your wildest dreams but you will only enjoy them to the extent of your faith and love.  The more a soul loves, the more it longs, the more it hopes, the more it finds.  The will of God is manifest in each moment, an immense ocean which the heart only fathoms in so far as it overflows with faith, trust and love.  The whole of the rest of creation cannot fill your heart, which is larger than all that is not God; terrifying mountains are mere molehills to it.  It is in his purpose, hidden in the cloud of all that happens to you in the present moment, that you must rely.  You will find it always surpasses your own wishes  Woo no man, worship no shadows or fantasies; they have nothing to offer or accept from you.  Only God's purpose can satisy your longing and leave you nothing to wish for.  Adore, walk close to it, see through and abandon all fantasy.

When the will of God is revealed to souls and has made them feel that they, for their part, have given themselves to him, they are aware of a powerful ally on every hand, for then they taste the happiness of the presence of God which they can only enjoy when they have learned, through surrendering themselves, where they stand each moment in relation to his ever-loving will.

Pray for me to fall in love with God's will for me.  I pray for you! 

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